Schedule Your CMMC Level 2 Assessment with Us Today
The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Level 2 Assessment provides increased assurance to the DoD that an OSA can adequately protect CUI at a level commensurate with the adversarial risk, including protecting information flow with subcontractors in a multi-tier supply chain. The Level 2 certificate also a pre-requisite for the CMMC Level 3 Assessment that would be conducted by the Defense Contract Management Agency’s Defense Industrial Base Cybersecurity Assessment Center (DIBCAC).
As an authorized CMMC Certified Third-Party Assessment Organization (C3PAO), CyberNINES can perform these assessments.
Both Final and Conditional Certifications will allow a client to contract with the DoD. The Conditional Certification expires after 180 days if a POA&M close-out is not conducted with CyberNINES and a score of 110 is not submitted.

An Assessment as defined in 32 CFR § 170.4 means the testing or evaluation of security controls to determine the extent to which the controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and producing the desired outcome with respect to meeting the security requirements for an information system or organization as defined in 32 CFR § 170.15 to 32 CFR § 170.18. For Level 2 there are two types of assessments:
- A self-assessment is the term for the activity performed by an entity to evaluate its own CMMC Level, as applied to Level 1 and some Level 2.
- A Level 2 certification assessment is the term for the activity performed by a Certified Third-Party Assessment Organization (C3PAO) to evaluate the CMMC level of an Organization Seeking Certification (OSC). Level 2 certification assessment requires the Organization Seeking Assessment (OSA) achieve the CMMC Status of either Conditional Level 2 (C3PAO) or Final Level 2 (C3PAO), as described in 32 § CFR 170.4, obtained through an assessment by an accredited C3PAO
Steps to Schedule a CMMC L2 Assessment:
- Your company takes the first step by contracting the assessment with an authorized C3PAO, such as CyberNINES.
- CyberNINES then conducts a preliminary readiness review to determine if you’re ready for a CMMC L2 Assessment.
- Once you’ve been confirmed ready, we schedule the assessment with you.
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